Jumaat, 5 September 2008

"MERDEKA and what it means to me"


Merdeka!! What is merdeka? Merdeka can be described as a felling about a freedom and an independence. For our beloved country, Malaysia, merdeka is an independence from the clutched of the colonization. On 31th August 1957, Malaysia is free from colonist and that day we called it 'The Independence Day'. So. for this 2008, we have merdeka for 51 years.it is atoo long time and we as a new generation must take care and appreciate it and take it as motivation to care and maintain our merdeka.

For me, the old merdeka is more better compared to new merdeka. it is true statement because we can see now,our teenagers now not really know a meaning about merdeka. This happen because they not know how difficult our grandfathers and grandmothers to get the independence from colonist. But, we know easily life comfortable with the painful of our grandfathers and grandmothers success.

Yes, we have merdeka for 51 years. But, our teenagers not many are independence and free of the modern colonist.Their mind have clutch with modern colonist in a style of wear a clothes ,behaviors,and in the language of speak everyday. Then, they are bravely said that ' I feel stupid when I speak in malay '. For me, it is so embarassed to us because our new generation now dont want to appreciate our malay language. it is true , we are now everyday and everytime we have to use a english in our daily day but it is not necessary or means we have to forget our culture and tradition.

Futhermore, eventhough this case have happen to our country but country also has my success to proud. For example, our first astronaut, Dr Sheikh Muzafar Shukor. He will be able to go to International Space Station to do the research about science. So, it gives a greater impact to our country in the education and development. Merdeka will gives us a opportunity to grap a challenge and to shown to the other country that we are now not like they think. We now are same level with the modern country like Japan,Russian and United States.

For the conclusion, we must take care the merdeka that we have now and make it as the best things in our life. Because of the merdeka we now can life safely and do our work better. I cannot imaging if our country now not longer independence.I'm sure we now will live in a difficult situation.So, together we love our country.

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